About me

I am an experienced software engineer with a background in technical writing and web design. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages and technologies. I possess strong communication skills and the ability to work effectively in a team environment. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive designs.

My job is to build your website so that it is functional and user-friendly but at the same time attractive. I am most proficient with the following technologies:

  • - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • - Backend Languages: Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Java
  • - Frontend Libraries: React.js, Vue.js, Svelte
  • - Frontend Frameworks: Next.js, Gatsby.js, Nuxt.js, Sveltekit
  • - CMS: Strapi, Directus, Payload

What i'm doing

  • design icon

    Web design & development

    I design and develop websites using the JAMstack tech stack. I am most proficient in using the Next.js framework for frontend design and headless CMS's like Strapi for backend design.

  • Writing icon

    Technical Writing

    I am proficient in writing detailed documentation that help other developers learn how to use modern web technologies. I have a personal blog and guest author tutorials about web development for numerous technologies including but not limited to Strapi, Medusa.js, Directus etc.



  1. Ecommerce App

    Next.js, Medusa.js, Stackbit

    Built an ecommerce website proof of concept using Medusa.js as the commerce engine, Next.js as the store frontend and Stackbit as the visual editor. GitHub Project Link

  2. Blog App

    Strapi, Next.js

    Built a proof of concept for a blog web app using Next.js as the frontend framework and Strapi as the Content Management System (CMS). GitHub Project Link

  3. Ecommerce App with i18n

    Strapi, Gatsby.js

    Built an ecommerce app proof of concept which implements internationalization(i18n). It uses Strapi as the CMS with i18n functionality and Gatsby.js as the frontend framework. GitHub Project Link


  1. Freelance Technical Writer at Strapi

    2022 — Present

    I created tutorials showcasing various applications of Strapi software for both users and developers, aiding in understanding its functionalities. Additionally, I rectified errors in outdated documentation, ensuring alignment with the latest Strapi version. Furthermore, I provided guidance and support to clients through teaching sessions and addressed inquiries within the company's forum regarding the utilization of Strapi software.

  2. Open Source Contributor at Directus

    2024 — Present

    I authored tutorials for Directus users and revamped outdated documentation to align with the latest version of the platform, ensuring accurate and up-to-date guidance for users.

  3. Freelance Technical Writer At Medusa

    2023 — Present

    I authored tutorials for Medusa.js users, guiding them in setting up ecommerce stores, hosting Medusa, and establishing development environments. Additionally, I offered support to users within the Discord community, addressing their inquiries and assisting them with Medusa-related issues.

My skills

  • Web Development and Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Technical Writing
  • SEO


  1. University of Zimbabwe

    2011 — 2015

    [Incomplete] BSc Electrical Engineering
